Dear UC&CS Members:
Complete history of the Firm, is sumarized, as follows:
Marth 27th, 1995 - Constitution of the First Firm UNITED CONSULTING AND CORPORATE SERVICES, S. A. DE C. V., to perform several Consulting Projects in México, USA, Central America, South America, Europe and Africa, Associated with several Worldwide Consulting and Auditing Firms.
February 15th, 2001 - Constitution of UC&CS LATIN AMERICA, ACPA INTERNATIONAL, S. C., requested by ACPA INTERNATIONAL, to consolidate the Affiliated CPA firms in Latin America Region. The first Affiliated Firms outside Mexico where Maquila Accounting Services, from Texas, USA and Weis & Asociados, from Lima, Peru. The first Affiliated Firm in Mexico was Arenas & Gallegos, from San Luis Potosí, México.
January 5th, 2005 - Constitution of UC&CS América, S. C., created when we finalized the Strategic Alliance with ACPA INTERNATIONAL, from Boston, Massachusetts, USA, because of it´s Merger with JHI-Jeffrey’s Henry International.
August 10th, 2010 - Constitution of UC&CS GLOBAL, S. DE R. L. DE C. V., when we finalized the Strategic Alliance with EURAAUDIT INTERNATIONAL from Paris, France and to consolidate the firm in 2 type of Grouping´s:
UC&CS AMÉRICA, as a NETWORK, according to the Article 290 from the IFAC Ethics Code.
On March 27th, 2020, we are celebrating our 25th Anniversary, from the UC&CS Origin, now consolidated in the 5 Continents in more than 50 countries, including Members, Affiliates and Correspondants.
CONGRATULATIONS to all of you, for been part of this Life-time Professional Project…
Mauricio Mobarak, MBA
World Council President-UC&CS GLOBAL